Anyone employed under a contract to do work is entitled to enjoy contractual terms that are as favourable as those of a male comparator in the same employment, if they are employed on equal work. Equal work will include like work, work rated as equivalent or work of equal value.

An employer may have a defence to an Equal Pay claim if they are able to show that there is a material factor justifying the difference. An employee may also have a discrimination, unfair dismissal or breach of contract claim.

Negotiating a settlement agreement

Instead of bringing a claim in the employment tribunal or court, you could also consider trying to negotiate a settlement agreement with your employer.

We have a wealth of experience in successfully negotiating settlement agreements.

Here to help

Our specialist teams can provide full service legal advice and assistance, providing practical and cost-effective solutions.

How to make an equal pay claim

In order to make an equal pay claim, you must show that your pay is worse than someone else’s (a comparator), who must be a real person of the opposite sex to you who works in a similar position or role under the same job evaluation study (JES).

If you are not able to resolve your equal pay issue with your employer, then you may be able to make a claim to the employment tribunal. You may also be able to make a claim for sex discrimination depending on the nature of your case.

This can be an incredibly complex and difficult area which is best navigated by a specialist employment solicitor. Get in touch with a member of the team for more legal advice and guidance.


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Our team are specialists in providing a personal service which helps put your mind at ease knowing that your case is being handled by experts. We’re here for you every step of the way.

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About Ellis Jones

Our team are specialists in providing a personal service which helps put your mind at ease knowing that your case is being handled by experts. We’re here for you every step of the way.

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