Kate Brooks

Partner, Solicitor & Head of Employment/HR Services

DATE PUBLISHED: 28 Jul 2016 LAST UPDATED: 09 Jun 2021

Olympic, gold medallist employers – get fit for Rio 2016

Olympic games start in Rio on 5th August 2016. Acas has produced some guidance for employers on how to deal with Olympic related matters during the 2 weeks that Rio 2016 is on. This can be viewed here.

As with any sporting event, it is important for businesses to be clear about what is expected of employees.

There is no legal employment right to take time off to watch Olympic games but some employers take the view that allowing employees to take time out their working day to watch Rio 2016 may improve morale and create a happy workforce therefore improving productivity.

In order to put employees off skiving from work to watch the Games or coming in late employers should have very clear disciplinary policies which cite unauthorised absence as an example of misconduct to be dealt with under disciplinary polices.

Our top tips during Rio 16:

  • Consider introducing flexible working or allowing staff to swap shifts
  • Put in place a policy, setting out rules, procedures and sanctions
  • Ensure that your disciplinary and sickness policies are clear and properly implemented to avoid unauthorised absence
  • Deal with holiday requests fairly
  • Don’t discriminate

We are happy to answer any employment related queries, please feel free to get in touch kate.brooks@ellisjones.co.uk

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