DVLA Medical Revocation

All drivers are under a duty to notify the DVLA of any reportable medical condition which can affect your ability to drive, and failure to do so can result in a criminal prosecution. If the DVLA receives information about your health, they may conduct an assessment of your fitness to drive, which can result in the revocation of your driving licence – either temporarily, or permanently.

DVLA Medical Revocations can apply to both group 1 and group licence holders, with the medical standards expected of group 2 being much higher due to the risk of these types of vehicles to the public. 

Group #1: Cars and motorcycles.

Group #2: Lorries and buses.

There are a number of different medical conditions and disabilities which should be reported to the DVLA and can be grounds for a medical revocation, including things like epilepsy, strokes, syncope (fainting) and heart conditions, as well as dependencies to drugs and/or alcohol. 

While it is your responsibility to report these medical issues to the DVLA, failure to do so can result in a medical revocation if another party reports you, which could include your employer or colleagues, doctor or even member of the public.

Challenging DVLA Medical Revocations

Once the DVLA has been informed of your potential health conditions and fitness to drive, an investigation is undertaken which usually involves contacting any relevant medical professionals and tends to be quite a lengthy process, during which you retain the right to drive.

Very strict time limits apply to appealing DVLA decisions and it is therefore crucial to seek specialist legal advice as soon as possible in the process, so that your ground for appeal can be established and your solicitor can begin contacting the DVLA on your behalf. 

If your appeal is successful you will be able to re-apply for your licence through the DVLA, however, in cases where the DVLA reject your appeal, you still have the option to appeal the decision at the Magistrates Court.

Specialists at Challenging DVLA Medical Revocations

Our team of expert regulatory solicitors have a wealth  of experience in challenging DVLA decisions to revoke driving licences on medical grounds, and can advise you as to your options and guide you through the procedure in respect of making representations to the DVLA, and potentially appealing the DVLA’s decision to the Magistrates’ Court.

If you have been told by your Doctor to notify the GP of a health condition, or have been contacted by the DVLA about your health, please contact our regulatory experts now to arrange a reduced fee initial meeting to discuss your options.

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