Hannah Johnson


DATE PUBLISHED: 21 Dec 2020 LAST UPDATED: 01 Nov 2022

Furlough Scheme extended until the end of April 2021

The Chancellor announced last Thursday that the furlough scheme (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme) has been extended until April 2021. The government update states:

“Extending the scheme until the end of April means businesses across the country will have certainty about what support will be available to them.”

Key points about this announcement:

  • Until the end of April 2021, employer’s can continue to claim 80% of an employee’s salary for hours not worked (up to a maximum of £2,500 per month).
  • To clarify, employers are required to pay the following:
    • For hours worked: wages, National Insurance Contributions and pensions.
    • For hours not worked: National Insurance Contributions and pensions.
  • In January 2021, the employer contribution element will be reviewed.
  • Eligibility criteria remain unchanged.
  • It remains optional for employers to top-up wages.
  • Claims for furlough days in December must be made by 14 January 2021.

Please follow this link to the current, updated government guidance.

If you require any further guidance on the furlough scheme please contact our employment team on 01202 525333.

How can we help?

When you submit this form an email will be sent to the relevant department who will contact you within 48 hours. If you require urgent advice please call 01202 525333.

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