Cycle accident solicitor recovers 400% more than a pre-medical offer from insurers
A cyclist that was knocked off his bike on a roundabout when a car failed to give way was offered £1000 in damages before a medical report in support of his injuries was obtained. This is called a pre-medical offer. David McWilliam, who specialises in cycling claims, has just secured a settlement of just over £4000 which is over 400% more than the pre-medical offer.
This tactic used by insurers just goes to show that you cannot consider these types of offers. You need proper medical evidence in order to value a claim. Insurers sometimes make these offers to injured people before they have solicitors acting for them. The vast majority of the public have no idea what a claim is worth and risk being massively undercompensated for their injuries and financial losses. By instructing a specialist lawyer to deal with a claim is likely to result in a much higher settlement and damages that you are entitled to.
If you have been involved in a cycling accident or road traffic accident of any description that was not your fault, please speak to us first. This is free of charge and we will advise you accordingly. Telephone David McWilliam at Ellis Jones on 01202 057710 or e-mail him on
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