Sean McNally

Partner, Solicitor & Joint Head of Family

DATE PUBLISHED: 13 Jan 2025 LAST UPDATED: 13 Jan 2025

Is the Grass Greener? Insights on Black Monday Divorces

Sean McNally looks at some of the issues ahead of ‘Black Monday.'

What is ‘Black Monday’?

Divorce lawyers tend to have a busy spell every January. The second Monday in January is dubbed ‘Black Monday’ when it is said that many married people instruct a lawyer to proceed with a divorce.

In my experience, there is no fixed day for this but, for some, a combination of spending extra time together over the festive period and the pre-Christmas thought of ‘let’s just get through Christmas’ results in action being taken in January. I have dealt with marriages of all lengths – from 1 day to over 50 years in length. Younger people with shorter marriages are generally more prone to rushing into divorce. Older people who have been married longer are generally more considered in their approach.

After you have been married for one year – either husband or wife can apply for a divorce. You don’t need a reason. You simply confirm that the marriage has broken down irretrievably.

The impact of divorce

At any initial meeting I emphasise the finality of divorce. It has so many implications, particularly where children are involved. The financial landscape often changes radically. Friends are lost and extended families disrupted. Mental and physical health can be affected. Higher levels of stress, depression, and anxiety are commonplace. Often one party is far further down the track in readiness for separation than the other party.

The reason for seeking a divorce obviously varies. Infidelity, boredom, abuse, or ‘I just don’t like you anymore’ springs to mind. Reconciliations rarely work and so it is a big step to push the button on the divorce application.

‘Is the grass greener on the other side?’

I often pose the question – ‘Is the grass greener on the other side?’ If someone has romantic notions of blissful happiness with a new partner – wasn’t this the case with their first wife or husband? Is there enough money to re-house you both? What impact will divorce have on the children? Can you co-parent sensibly?

Obviously divorce lawyers are there to protect their clients’ interests if an unavoidable divorce ensues. Sadly, we are sometimes tainted with the brush of profiting from our clients, and I have seen many examples of this.

How can Ellis Jones help?

At Ellis Jones, our Family Law team of experts will strive to adopt a sensible and pragmatic approach with a close eye on keeping costs proportionate, avoiding court whenever possible, and most importantly, looking after our clients at a very turbulent time in their lives.

There are perhaps ‘fifty shades of green’. We will work to find the right shade for you. If you would like to speak to one of our experts, please contact us on 01202 525333.

How can we help?

When you submit this form an email will be sent to the relevant department who will contact you within 48 hours. If you require urgent advice please call 01202 525333.

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